Hill YangMay 6, 20202 minWhat remedial massage could do?A 60 years old man suffer from back pain for over 10 years who needs to take 8 Codeine. He used to looking for lots of different...
Hill YangMar 9, 20201 minWhat is Myofascial Dry Needling?It is using the same or similar acupuncture needling for different purposes. It based on the myofascial trigger point and myofascial...
Hill YangJan 4, 20191 minAre you suffering from sciatica?Are you suffering from sciatica? One recent client suffers from sciatica for nearly a year. She went for remedy from doctors, physio,...
Hill YangNov 1, 20184 min體能、體態、肌力、靈活度及疼痛管理訓練師Hill Yang關於按摩,您只是想要付錢找人摸摸您而已?還是想要按摩後覺得煥然一新呢? 關於疼痛,您只是想要付錢找人聊聊天而已?還是想要治療後覺得重獲新生呢? Hill曾經因為體弱多病,不能運動,連走個路都會覺得身體很不舒服,導致時常去醫院跟走自家廚房一樣,但是Hill一直有一個夢想~完成...
Hill YangMar 15, 20141 minWalk again after four years in a wheelchair做輪椅四年半的朋友,經過了四次的治療之後,除了肌肉變壯了,也感到坐骨神經再生,從第一次治療後可以靠著看護扶著行走輔助器行走,到現在可以越走越快,甚至連看護不在,都可以靠自己完成訓練,去做物理治療時醫生也感到回復效果驚人,從基礎的機器訓練,到現在可以做進階的機器行走訓練,甚至...