It is using the same or similar acupuncture needling for different purposes. It based on the myofascial trigger point and myofascial release theory to apply the needling. It's very different from acupuncture based on Traditional Chinese medicine(TCM). Dry needling usually requires moving or twisting the needle in the target area to reach the goal for myofascial release and relief the muscle knots or trigger points rather than stay needles in the Chinese Medicine Meridian Line. Dry needling also creates micro-inflammation in specific areas to stimulate the body's healing process on the target areas. It's excellent skills to relieve pain from Myofascial Pain Syndrome and improve Range of Motion(ROM).
Hill works with allied health support and onsite X-ray result. Clean Towel, Fresh Air, Real Product, and Fractionated Coconut Oil will be available in the treatment room.
Book for your Myofascial Dry Needling treatment. Hill's remedial massage treatment includes Dry Needling, TCM massage, TCM cupping, dynamic cupping, MFR, DMFR, PNF, hot stone, Kinesiology taping, reflexology, and doTERRA therapeutic grade aromatherapy.
You can choose your preferred treatment, or Hill will suggest the best approach for you after the assessment.
Heal Young Massage
10 Hillside Gardens, Desert Springs
Alice Springs, NT, 0870 Alice Springs Remedial Massage